Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Spoof - IHMSDO

Recently there is a spoof video that confused a lot of people, below is the excerpt


sorry if this is a noob question, but I at lunchtime was checking into the next steps with CDA/CCD and found this video: http://www.youtube.com/user/Ihmsdo At about 6 minutes into the video, it mentions the release of CDA R4 as a DSTU in 2016. So what's the roadmap for publication of CDA R3 and CDA R4 ?


The video was also nominally created in 2015. It's a spoof. (HL7 and DICOM have not merged and have no current plans to merge :>) To my knowledge, there's no discussion about CDA R4 at all yet. I'll let others speak to the planned time-lines for CDA R3.
Lloyd McKenzie

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